Kennicott 3, a rare example of a dated and lavishly illustrated Ashkenazi Pentateuch. Kennicott 1, ‘the Kennicott bible’ a magnificently decorated 15th century Hebrew bible donated to the library by Benjamin Kennicott and MS. The digitized items - most of which were digitized as part of the Polonsky Foundation Digitization Project - include MS. Further significant collections of Hebrew manuscripts were added in 18. Rabbi David ben Abraham Oppenheim (1664-1736) was the Chief Rabbi of Prague and during his lifetime he had amassed 780 manuscripts and 4,220 printed books in Hebrew, Yiddish and Aramaic, many of which are the only surviving copies. In 1829 the Bodleian bought the Oppenheim Library thought to be the most important and magnificent Hebraica collection ever accumulated. The collection contains over 110 valuable Hebrew manuscripts, chiefly on vellum. Its heavily corrected text is of outstanding importance.

Handwritten well over 1600 years ago, the manuscript contains the Christian Bible in Greek, including the oldest complete copy of the New Testament. Codex Sinaiticus is one of the most important books in the world. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) (BS 715 1990) is an edition of the Masoretic Hebrew Old Testament text.It is based on the Lenigrad Codex B19A (the oldest known manuscript of the complete Hebrew Bible), includes a textual apparatus (provides information relevant for textual criticism), and is the most widely used scholarly text of the Hebrew Old Testament. The acquisition in 1817 of the manuscript collection which had belonged to the Venetian Jesuit, Matteo Luigi Canonici, represented the largest single purchase ever made by the Library. Bibliographic Tools for the Study of Hebrew Bible Texts. Among the 212 manuscripts in the Huntington collection is the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides (1155-1204) with the author’s signature. In 1692 it purchased the collections of Dr Robert Huntington and Professor Edward Pococke. The Library’s founder, Thomas Bodley, took a personal interest in Hebrew manuscripts, and after his death, the Library continued to enrich the Hebrew collections. The earliest manuscript accessions in Hebrew were received in 1601 and in the first catalogue of the library (1605) there are 58 books with titles in Hebrew script. I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Europeana Foundation for the financial support that enabled this project, to the Leiden University Centre for. All fields of traditional Hebrew scholarship are represented in the collection, and the digitized items reflect this diversity. The Bodleian holds what is probably still regarded as the best collection of Hebrew manuscripts in the world, alongside an extraordinarily rich collection of early Hebrew and Yiddish printed books. Nearly 800 fully-digitized Hebrew manuscripts and printed books from the medieval and early modern periods.